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8AM - 8PM

West Orchards Shopping Centre welcomes several new businesses to the heart of the city

Despite the challenges facing the retail sector there’s lots to be excited about at West Orchards Shopping Centre with a host of new shops opening before Christmas and into 2023.


The first store opened at the start of October, Francis & Gaye Boutique store, located on the first floor and stocking brands such as Nomination and Hugo Boss.

Also, on the first floor you’ll find Toytown, the store is in the former Debenhams unit. Toytown a Belfast based retailer will (as the name suggests) be a new toy shop within the city and opened on the 24th October.


Hot on their heels are One Beyond opening on Friday 4th November, 4000 items for just £1 plus amazing deal beyond £1. Their Christmas range will also available.


Iceland will be heading to the shopping centre next year and will be open in early 2023.


The progress won’t stop there as more new stores and the leisure offer on Level 2 are expected next year.

Andy Talbot, Asset Manager said ‘The new store openings have come to fruition after lots of hard work behind the scenes to transform the old Debenhams unit into separate retail stores. We are looking forward to having all the stores open and then moving on to our final stage of transforming level 2 into a leisure offering.’


West Orchards is open Monday to Saturday 8am-6pm and 10.30-4.30pm on Sundays.


For more information and press enquiries, please contact hello@pieceofcakemarketing.co.uk